

Cùng tìm hiểu định nghĩa và ý nghĩa và cách dùng của từ: hoạ

+ noun  

  • Catastrophe, disaster
    • Mưu thâm thì hoạ cũng thâm (tục ngữ)
      The disaster is proportionate to the design; the darker the design, the greater the disaster it invites (upon its author)
  • misfortune
    • Hoạ vô đơn chí
      Misfortunes never come singly
  • painting
    • Cầm, kỳ, thi, họa
      Music, chess, poetry, and painting (regarded as the four amusements or accomplishments of a feudal intellectual)

+ verb  

  • to draw; to paint; to delineate
    • họa sĩ
  • Answer (someone's poem) with another using the same rhyme and meter
  • Perform in unison
  • to accompany
    • Họa đàn
      To perform in unison (on one instrument) with another instrument
  • Respond
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